Scholarly Peer Reviewed Journal Articles on Slavery and International Laws

Leiden Slavery Studies Association

Journal of Global Slavery

Now Available! The Journal of Global Slavery (JGS) aims to advance and promote a greater understanding of slavery and mail service-slavery from comparative, transregional, and/or global perspectives. It especially underscores the global and globalizing nature of slavery in world history.

As a practise in which human beings were held captive for an indefinite flow of time, coerced into extremely dependent and exploitive power relationships, denied rights (including potentially rights over their labor, lives, and bodies), could be bought and sold, were vulnerable to forced relocation by diverse means, and forced to labor against their will, slavery in one form or another has existed in innumerable societies throughout history. JGS fosters a global view of slavery past integrating the latest scholarship from around the world and providing an interdisciplinary platform for scholars working on slavery in regions as diverse as ancient Rome, Pre-Colombian Mexico, Han dynasty China, the Ottoman Empire, the antebellum United states, and xx-first-century Mali.

The periodical also promotes a view of slavery as aglobalizing forcefulness in the development of world civilizations. Global history focuses heavily upon the global movement of people, appurtenances, and ideas, with a particular emphasis on processes of integration and divergence in the human feel. Slavery straddles all of these focal points, as it connected and integrated diverse societies through economic and power-based relationships, and simultaneously divided societies by class, race, ethnicity, and cultural group.

JGS is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles based on original enquiry, volume reviews, curt notes and communications, and special issues. Information technology peculiarly invites articles that situate studies of slavery (whether historical or modern-day forms) in explicitly comparative, transregional, and/or global contexts. Themes may include (only are non limited to):

  • the different and changing social, cultural, and legal meanings of slavery beyond fourth dimension and infinite;
  • the roles that slavery has played in the development of intersecting and interdependent relationships between societies throughout world history;
  • comparative practices of enslavement (through warfare, indebtedness, trade, etc.);
  • homo trafficking and forced migration;
  • transregional dialogues and the movement of ideas and practices of slavery and anti-slavery across space;
  • slave cultures and cultural transfer;
  • political, economical, and ideological causes and furnishings of slavery;
  • religion and slavery;
  • resistance;
  • abolitionism, emancipation, and manumission practices from global or comparative perspectives;
  • the psychological effects, memories, legacies, and representations of slave practices.

See for more data. We are as well on facebook.

Editorial Structure

Managing Editor:

Damian Alan Pargas (Leiden University)

Reviews Editor:

Benedetta Rossi (University of Birmingham)

Expanse Editors:

Sub-Saharan Africa (contemporary): Eric Hahonou (Academy of Roskilde)
Sub-Saharan Africa (historical): Olatunji Ojo (Brock University)
Asia: Kerry Ward (Rice University)
Almost East and North Africa: Ismael Montana (Northern Illinois University)
Europe/Mediterranean: Jeff Fynn-Paul (Leiden Academy)
Americas (Latin America): Alex Borucki (University of California – Irvine)
Americas (Caribbean): Karwan Fatah-Blackness (Leiden University)

*Submissions on North American slavery volition be handled by the chief editor

Informational Board:

Pamela Crossley (Dartmouth College)
Seymour Drescher (University of Pittsburgh)
Stanley Engerman (Academy of Rochester)
Roquinaldo Ferreira (Brown University)
Luuk de Ligt (Leiden University)
Paul Lovejoy (York University)
Ugo Nwokeji (University of California – Berkeley)
Ehud R. Toledano (Tel Aviv University)
Nigel Worden (University of Cape Town)
John David Smith (University of Due north Carolina – Charlotte)
Jennifer Glancy (Le Moyne College)
Aurelia Martín Casares (University of Granada)
Robert Ross (Leiden Academy)confirmed
Omar H. Ali (University of N Carolina at Greensboro)
Junius P. Rodriguez (Eureka College)
Holger Weiss (Abo Akademie University)
Richard Eaton (University of Arizona)
Edward A. Alpers (UCLA)
Richard B. Allen (Framingham State University)
Debra Blumenthal (UC-Santa Barbara)
Stefan Haβ (Freie Universität Berlin)
Felicitas Becker (Cambridge University)
Joel Quirk (Academy of Witwatersrand)
Marcus Carvalho (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)
Beatrice Nicolini (Universittá Catolica del Sacro Cuoro, Milan)
Konstantinos Vlassopoulos (University of Nottingham)
Abdelilah Benmlih (Academy of Fès)
Ana Frega (Universidad de la República, Montevideo)
Milton Guran (Universidade de Brasilia)
Jesús Guanche Peréz (Universidad de Habana)
Jean Allain (Queen'southward University Belfast)


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